VMWARE Assessment

Cut Costs, Increase Efficiency & Identify Unprotected Systems

DCMWORKS VMWare Assessments Locate Your Bottlenecks & Rebalance Resources To Increase Efficiency & Save Money

An assessment of VM host servers can lead to major cost savings. We find bottlenecks and rebalance resources while finding unused or hidden guests, disks, and virtual switches. Recommendations for software updates and both software and hardware upgrades also often lead to reduced costs in the long run.

We recommend modifications to the original set up to remedy inefficiencies, provide risk versus reward analyses for implementing upgrades, and a list of updates to address the current needs of the organization.



Dedicated data center migration teams

DCMWORKS’ dedicated data center migration team applies a proven migration process to every migration we undertake.

DCMWORKS VMWare Assessment Benefits

  • Identify Poor Performing Server
  • Identify Simple Hardware Upgrades
  • Identify Cluster Redundancy Problems
  • Identify Retired Systems
  • Still Being Powered On
  • Identify Lost (Zombie)
  • Virtual Disks Not Connected to Any Server
  • Identify Lost Virtual Servers
  • Identify Licensing Issues
  • Identify Cluster Optimization Issues
  • Identify if Clusters Can Support a Complete Physical Server Failure or Downtime (N + 1 Configuration)

Assessment Deliverables

  • Findings Report
  • Analysis Report
  • Recommendations for Stability, Redundancy, Upgrades & Migrations


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